Bolton Wanderers: Zico

Grammer not an spesheality. Plus, wen will the Fabrice Mumba World Tore end? And Stuwart Holdens new scuad number.

Good morning to you.

Well, in the end, that was all a bit of a load of old arse, wasn’t it? Who would have believed that just as people started believing that it would happen, it didn’t. I for one didn’t believe it would happen and, at about 10:30 last night, I was proved right.

Yes, Tony Kelly came back onto Twitter. Good night, God bless.

Say what you like about Zico (Scouse, bald, grammar not a speciality, likes to walk the dog, loves his old mam), he is certainly consistently inconsistent. I think I’ve counted him leaving Twitter about ten times now, possibly in the last month. Legend that he is, if thirty fourth in a poll of Bolton players allows someone to be a ‘legend’, over the years he has been a mouthpiece for the Megson regime (his column in the Bolton News ‘Kelly’s Eye’ was nicknamed ‘Kelly’s One Eye’ by someone not so far away from here), the fans liaison at the club (speciality, blocking users on Twitter who disagree with him) and an assistant youth coach (role model, ahoy).

And yet, you find yourself strangely drawn to his ramblings. Maybe it’s the extra effort that you have to go through to decipher half of them, but it is addictive, in much the same way that the tweets of the rest of the squad are bland in the extreme (visits to Nando’s notwithstanding).

So, if he reads this, a plea to Zico. Stay on Twitter. It may not have the effect that you think it is happening, but some of them are the best tweets I’ve read all season.

And to the Dr Fabrice Muamba saga. As you’ll now, Fab has been given an honorary doctorate from Bolton College. Some people have said that this makes a mockery of all those people who have or haven’t survived a cardiac arrest and have asked for the College to retract the doctorate.

I have been to a few graduation ceremonies, some of them my own, and whilst I believe that giving Fab an honorary doctorate for surviving dying is taking it all a bit too far, I cannot really see what the fundamental issue is. My University gave Sean Bean one for being….well…. Sean Bean. Honorary doctorates aren’t worth the paper their written on and, whilst I can think of other people more deserving, the captain springs to mind, if the College want to give him one then that’s alright with me. I fail to see how it is disrespectful and disgraceful, as one charity has called it, in what actually looks like a desperate attempt for publicity on their behalf.

I would say this, however, about what is turning into the Fabrice Muamba World Tour. He’s been invited here, he’s been invited there, he’s got this, he’s got that. He sold his story to The Sun (don’t get me started). Isn’t it about time it stopped? We’re all grateful that he survived and we have shown our relief for that a number of times. But it may be about time that Fab started giving his support to something like the British Heart Foundation or other heart charities that would benefit from his backing. I’m sure that they would appreciate it.

And Stuart Holden will be changing his squad number to 22 now that Jussi has vacated it. I dare it will be strange seeing another player with that number, as it always is when a long serving player leaves. Apparently 22 is Stu’s lucky number, so maybe he should have been wearing it when Jonny Evans cut his leg in two. No news yet on whether his lovely hair will be given a separate squad number.

Right, that’s it for the beginning of the week. Hopefully, with the transfer window reopening next week, this should be the last no news week. Fingers crossed.

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