Eddie Davies’ Final Gift?

More news emerged today about Wanderers’ recent financial drama, with it being revealed that Eddie Davies had lent the club money just days before his death.

The Bolton News article breaking the story can be read here and for those who understand all the technical ins and outs the Companies’ House entry can be seen here but it seems that Davies’ money, secured against Ken Anderson’s share, saved the club from administration, on the day he passed away.

It’s difficult to try and analyse the whole thing. It does raise further questions about off-field matters though, if we needed more of this in the first place. If the money had been loaned on what was the Friday, why did Ken Anderson still push the whole BluMarble thing right through to the following Tuesday? Was the money used to pay off other debts? Does this give Eddie Davies’ estate more sway over things?

Answers on a postcard, please. Maybe one day everything will get sorted out once and for all and we can go more than a couple of weeks about a financial story, or we can just carry on kicking the proverbial can down the street.

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