Twit. Twoo.

SuperKev finds out who wears the trousers and AOB speaks out.

Good evening to you. Hopefully by the end of this we will have caught up with what is going on. So, as they say in Egypt, let’s jump right in and see what bites.

Let’s start with SuperKevinDavies on Twitter. You will know, if you are one of the 41,303 people who follow him (as of 19:41 today) that he had this to say on Saturday night regarding the Carlos Tevez substitution stropfest:

Seeing Tevez reaction to being subbed assures me there is problems within at city, great players individually but as a team??’

Now, I can understand how enticing it must be, especially if you are as close to the action as Kevin was, to comment on another club. However, as with most things, it is best to sleep on stuff and then decide whether to do it or not. Being there on Saturday, there was no doubt how pumped up the captain was for the game, which resulted in an early booking, and there were some amongst the Bolton fans who thought he may be heading for an early bath if he carried on the way that he was.

Now, I’m not saying that that isn’t what we love about him. His wholehearted on the sleeve style of football is what makes him the footballer he is. But by the time Sunday morning had rolled around, and the scorn had poured in from Citeh fans, he found himself apologising, then trying to explain himself and was eventually told by his wife to shut up.

I know that there are those amongst us, myself included, who hope that one day St Owen Coyle says something slightly disparaging about an opposition manager and a club. We also know that that day will never happen. And where the manager leads, the staff, captain included, should follow. I enjoy SuperKev’s tweets, showing the mundane life as well as the rewards that his position brings. However, at his age, and God knows I never thought I would say or write this about anyone, he should know better.

Line drawn, what else has been happening? You will also know that our former player, ex-England ‘ace’ Michael ‘I ate all the pies’ Ricketts, has managed to get himself into a little contretemps with a lady in Hale on Saturday. Mrs X and I went out in Altrincham on Friday night and found it to be quite the deadest place imaginable and not like I remember at all. Turns out that if we’d gone two miles south and a day later it would have been a damn sight more interesting. He’s been charged now, and, like Ivan Klasnic, that’s the last you’ll hear of it on here.