Vital Bolton Needs You! Share YOUR Views

I can fully appreciate that the articles that are put out by me, the staff writer, here on Vital Bolton will never really capture the readership of this forum the same way they would Mr Ecky’s.

They are a million miles away from his, and any other Bolton fans’ views for that matter.

I’m not, nor have I ever claimed, to be a Bolton fan I am merely a ‘staff writer’ for Vital Football to help editors, like Mr Ecky, keep the sites ticking over when they are absent/a site doesn’t have an editor full stop.

The health and wellbeing of Mr Ecky is paramount but he would also want this site to be ‘ticking over’ with content of some descript, as I’m also sure most of you would too really.

Having content is better than none at all though, again as I’m sure you will all agree, and I hope you continue to use Vital Bolton to share your views with article comments and actually go into the forum to do this too.

No offence is taken to any views that express a disappointment at the content not having a ‘proper Bolton fans view’ take on this, as a non-Bolton fan I can never offer this and do appreciate how this makes the content put out harder to digests – in my defence it is far from easy to write either mind….

In the meantime I am actively inviting people to put forward their views.

If you share any they will be used and you credited with them so please do jot down any thoughts you have, at any time, and fire them through and they will be used right here on Vital Bolton to give a proper Trotters’ fans view.

What you waiting for!

Mr Ecky sends his best to the Vital Bolton community, he’s currently not well, he’ll be back as soon as possible and in the meantime, he’s got a staff writer to fill in for him.

If anyone has something to share in the meantime (this gives a genuine Bolton point of view from a Bolton fan!) feel free to fire an email through.

Please include your username so I can put that to it though.

To email your own unique article/blog for publishing

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